
Groundwater Modelling

Managers of water resources and environmental assets are becoming increasingly reliant on groundwater models to assimilate background knowledge and information, and to assess the risk and uncertainty associated with water allocation and management decisions. An ability to predict the impacts of external factors such as climate and land-use change is extremely important in these situations.

IGS staff have extensive hands-on experience in the conceptualisation, design, parameterisation and calibration of numerical groundwater flow and solute transport models. These models range in scale and complexity from localised, 2-D slices adjacent rivers and through mine tailings storage facilities, up to 3-D basin-scale models for the assessment of regional, multi-layered aquifer systems, and density-dependent solute transport models.

IGS has a niche capability in the use of stochastic modelling techniques to characterise heterogeneity and facilitate risk-based decision-making using quantitative uncertainty analysis. IGS staff regularly develop customised tools to assist clients with optimization of their groundwater operations and management decisions.

In addition to building and running models for a range of clients, IGS also routinely acts as an independent peer reviewer of numerical modelling studies for State and Commonwealth government departments.

Groundwater Modelling - Innovative Groundwater Solutions